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Boosting Your Immune System in the Summer

Even during the summer, when there is more sunlight available, people may still benefit from vitamin D supplementation (and boost immune system) for the following reasons:

1. Sunscreen use: While it's important to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays, sunscreen can inhibit the synthesis of vitamin D in the skin. Applying sunscreen with a high sun protection factor (SPF) significantly reduces the body's ability to produce vitamin D. Therefore, vitamin D supplementation can help ensure adequate levels, especially for those who consistently use sunscreen or have limited sun exposure.

Boost immune system with foods suppliments and vitamins from Nutrizzia assortment.

2. Indoor lifestyle: Many individuals spend a significant amount of time indoors, whether it's due to work, school, or other activities. This reduced exposure to sunlight can limit the body's ability to produce sufficient vitamin D. Supplementation can help bridge this gap and maintain optimal vitamin D levels.

3. Geographical location: People living in certain geographical locations with limited sunlight, particularly during the winter months, may have a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency. Even in the summer, sunlight intensity and duration can vary depending on the latitude. Therefore, vitamin D supplementation can be necessary to compensate for the decreased sunlight exposure.

Boost immune system with foods suppliments and vitamins from Nutrizzia assortment.

4. Darker skin tones: Individuals with darker skin tones have more melanin, which reduces the skin's ability to produce vitamin D from sunlight. Consequently, they may have a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency, even with reasonable sun exposure. Vitamin D supplementation can be particularly important for people with darker skin tones.

5. Medical conditions and medications: Certain medical conditions and medications can interfere with vitamin D absorption or metabolism, leading to a higher risk of deficiency. Examples include digestive disorders, liver or kidney diseases, and certain medications like corticosteroids. In these cases, healthcare professionals may recommend vitamin D supplementation.

While it's possible to obtain vitamin D through sunlight and very small quantity from dietary sources like fatty fish, fortified dairy products, and egg yolks, supplementation can help ensure adequate levels, especially in specific circumstances.


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