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Customer satisfaction survey

Our target is to be the best on the market, to serve the best quality products, to offer the best service posible.

We can acheave all this only, if you tell us what we are missing or have been missed and what we are doing right or what we should improve.

We are kindly asking you to send us a feedback with a help of questionary below and you will get immediatly a nice reward.

Fields marked with star (*) are mandatory.

Have you made a purchase in our web store?
Please rate our prices
Far too highHighFairGoodGreat
What do you think about our assortment
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
Were payment methods as per your expectations
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
How did you find a delivery
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
How did you ease of use of our web site?
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
What didn't convince you to make a purchase? (multiple choices possible)
Where did you hear for us?

We are proudly presenting our best sellers

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